Visit our brand new store at 25hs Martiou 73 in Thessaloniki!

In Byron Cafe enthusiasts of special tastes can order an espresso, a double Italian espresso or a cappuccino with coffee and foamed milk. Aroma-lovers can try the vanilla cappuccino, while those who want to indulge in intense pleasure can taste the latte macchiato with layers of creamed milk, espresso and foamed milk, or even with added caramel for a kick.
All our coffee’s now at your place
You can order your coffee and we can deliver it fresh and fast
Our secret cappuccino recipe

Byron Café pays special attention to quality in every detail. The same is true for coffee: not only the range of coffees offered on our menu, but also the coffee used for making those refreshments is highly sophisticated. All coffee is made by our qualified baristas, guaranteeing the top level of care and expertise when brewing the coffee you ordered.